Newly recorded deeds are mailed to the new owner, who is required to provide these ownership documents to the Association. If you have sold your lot and are still receiving billing statements, it may be because we have not yet received the new deed. To stop the statements from being sent to your name, please email a copy of the newly recorded deed to
[email protected], and we will update our membership records accordingly.
The Association cannot obtain legal ownership documents on behalf of its members. If you need a copy of your deed, please contact the county Register of Deeds office.
Please note that if you have an unpaid, delinquent balance from
before you sold or lost your lot, we will continue to make every effort to collect this amount. Members are responsible for paying assessments for each fiscal year they own property within the Association. A past-due balance does not disappear when a lot is sold or lost to tax foreclosure. Unpaid balances may be referred to a collection agency.